How To Reset Honda Accord SRS Airbag Warning Light

Last Updated on February 17, 2020 by Christ

How To Reset Honda Accord SRS Airbag Warning Light – The Honda Accord is a car segment D produced by Honda since 1976. The Honda Accord is sold in most automotive markets around the world and has enjoyed considerable commercial success, especially in the US, where it has been the best-selling Japanese car for 15 years straight, from 1982 to 1997. The Accord was the first Japanese car to be produced in the US in 1982 when production began in Marysville (Ohio) in the Marysville Auto Plant.

Today is also produced in Guangzhou, China as a joint venture Guangzhou Honda since 1999. Over the years, Honda has produced many versions and types of bodywork Accord, and often vehicles sold simultaneously in different markets with the same name differ quite substantially. The Accord, beginning fall into the category of compact cars in two volumes, then the subsequent series has evolved and now falls into the category of medium-sized cars.

How To Reset Honda Accord SRS Airbag Warning Light

How To Reset Honda Accord SRS Airbag Warning Light:

Time needed: 17 minutes

If you receive an SRS warning light while driving and you want to clear or turning off the warning light on your Honda Accord, follow these instructions:

  1. Make sure the ignition switch is OFF.

  2. Remove panels under the steering wheel to access the interior fuse box

  3. Locate and unplugged the SRS interface plug. This is a yellow female plug that is attached to the wire loom under the dash.

  4. Insert a paper clip or wire to the plug interface.

  5. Turn the ignition ON (do not start the engine)

  6. When SRS Light turns off, Quickly disconnect the paper clip or wire

  7. When SRS Airbag Light comes back on, quickly reconnect the paper clip or wire

  8. SRS Light should turn off, and Quickly disconnect the paper clip or wire again

  9. When the reset is complete, it will flash twice

  10. Turn the ignition off and then start the engine to verify the indicator has been reset

for more detail, please watch the following video:

This tutorial is based on the Honda repair manual. This procedure should apply to all models of the Honda Accord. Hopefully the article of How To Reset Honda Accord SRS Airbag Warning Light useful for you. Good Luck!

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3 Comments on “How To Reset Honda Accord SRS Airbag Warning Light

  1. 2009 Hond accord 4CL Automatic
    Under the steering wheel compartment :

    The only “yellow” connector (2 wires) I ‘ve found is not the one that supposed to be alone held onto a dummy plot of the fuse box !
    This -next to the fuse box- is connected to another connector with wire.
    Anyone can post a picture or any sources showing the yellow connector location would be greatly appreciated .
    Please help ASAP.

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