How To Reset Oil Service Light On BMW X7 G07 (2019-2021)

Last Updated on September 25, 2021 by Christ

Howdy-doody! Tell me what’s new! Today we are done with the physical oil change, and now we need to hop into the car and reset the service light system to let the BMW X7 G07 know that we just did a fresh oil change.

I made this content because a lot of the content showed me different ways none of them worked. I finally figured it out on my own. So let me show you how to go ahead and get this done.

How To Reset Oil Service Light On BMW X7 G07 (2019-2021)

How To Reset Oil Service Light On BMW X7 G07 (2019-2021)

Time needed: 3 minutes

This section will show you how to reset the service reminder on BMW X7 G07 or similar cars with that instrument cluster. So the way you reset is:

  1. Get to the Diagnostic Mode

    Press the START button three times very quick to go into a diagnostic mode

  2. Wait a minute

    Then give it a second till you see the Diagnostic Mode Active message on the dash

  3. Hold down the BC button

    Once you do that over in diagnostic mode, you’ll press and hold the BC button and keep an eye on the screen till it shows reset possible
    reset oil service light with bc button on bmw

  4. Go to the Engine Oil

    At this point, you can cycle through by hitting the BC button and do the Engine Oil reset on your car
    service icon light reset

  5. Press and hold the BC button

    To reset it, you need to hold down the BC button, and it’s going to be asking you a question mark with the reset

  6. Release and then hold it again

    Now you need to hold it in again to confirm, and you’ll do it till it says reset completely

For your info, this tutorial will hold true for the first generation of the BMW X7 G07 (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 model years).

So that’s how you reset it. This reset guide is also the same for brake fluid flush on the vehicle if you need to perform that. Suppose you have any comments; just put them in the comment box. Let me know so I can help you. Anyway, thanks for reading, and have a great day.

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