Reset Guide: Toyota Prius Oil Maintenance Light (2004-2022)

Last Updated on December 18, 2021 by Christ

What’s going on, guys! This is a Toyota Prius, and in this post, we’re going to go over how you can DIY oil maintenance light reset to save some bucks. There’s a quick couple-step process to do it.

So I just finished engine oil and filter replacement on this Toyota Prius, and what remains is reset at the maintenance light inside the dashboard. So let’s go and do that together.

Reset Guide: Toyota Prius Oil Maintenance Light (2004-2022)


Toyota Prius Oil Maintenance Light Reset Guide

Warning! Please note your vehicle model. This tutorial will hold true for the second, third, and fourth generations of the Toyota Prius ​(2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 model years).

2004-2009 Toyota Prius (XW20)

  • The first thing you need to do is turn your car on 
  • Then you want to cycle through this ODO/TRIP button until you see the actual ODO mileage on the screen, not on Trip A or the Trip B
prius trip button
  • After that, turn your car off
  • Now what you do with the car being off is you want to hold the ODO/TRIP button and then we’re gonna press the POWER button twice 
  • Keep hold it and you’ll see the couple lines blinking near the fuel gauge and when it says zero your maintenance light has just been reset

2010-2015 Toyota Prius (XW30)

Time needed: 3 minutes

Alright, I’ve got a 2011 Toyota Prius, and I believe this is a half-year because it’s got the MPH option button there, and I’m going to show you how to reset the oil maintenance required light. So the first step you need to do is:

  1. Switch on the ignition

    First, turn your ignition on. You’re not going to put your foot on the brake pedal, so you’re gonna push the POWER button until all the lights on the dash come on

  2. Get to the TRIP A

    On your steering wheel, you’re gonna push the Trip button to cycle it through until it gets to TRIP A on the heads-up display
    toyota oil maintenance reset stir old

  3. Shut the car off

    After getting it to Trip A, you’re gonna cycle the key off 

  4. Hold down the MPH button while you turn on the ignition

    Then you’re going to press the MPH button and hold it and then you’re gonna push the POWER button twice but make sure your foot is off the brake pedal
    toyota oil maintenance reset mph

  5. Keep holding the MPH button

    Keep holding it down and then the resetting maintenance message will count down backward and once it gets to zero your maintenance light has just been reset 

For Prius C (2012-2015)

  • This is the smart key system, so the key is in your pocket and you are just hit the POWER button two times
  • Then you need to switch this odometer which you see on the bottom to be in the ODO by using TRIP button on the steering
  • Next, I will leave it in that and I will shut off the car
  • Now the next step is we’ll turn on the car like the the first step but during that process once it’s starting up we need to hit the TRIP button 3 times and on the third time you’re gonna hold it down 
  • Right here you’re gonna see a number of dash and then it’s gonna hit zero and then that’s how you know it resets

2016-2022 Toyota Prius (XW50)

This chapter will guide you to reset the maintenance light on the new Prius. We are going to use the directional pad buttons and the middle buttons for entering and also we’re gonna be looking at a heads-up display. So all you got to do is:

  • First, turn on your car without starting 
  • Then every time you see the message just click back to clear this up and get to the main screen
  • Next, go ahead and scroll to the left or the right to go find the ⚙️ gear 
reset maintenance oil light with steering button on toyota
  • Go scroll down until you find VEHICLE SETTINGS and hit enter on it
  • After that, click enter again on the MAINTENANCE SYSTEM 
  • From there, highlight the OIL MAINTENANCE and hit enter
  • At this point it will ask to reset, so you just click on YES and you’re done
  • Okay one last check now starting the engine to verify that the oil light has been reset

For Prius V (2016-2017)

  • Turn the ignition switch to the on position 
  • Then go to the settings over tapping left so you can get the ⚙️ sprocket
  • Next, you press the center button to enter the menu
  • After that scroll down to MAINTENANCE SYSTEM and press enter
  • At this point, it’s gonna ask you if you want to initialize the system, say YES and it’s complete

So that’s it, and you’re all done. I no longer have it flashing in the beginning every time I start the car, and I’m good to go until the next Toyota service oil change. I hope this post helped you out. Feel free to comment below with any questions. Thanks for reading, and have a wonderful day.

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