BMW i3: How To Reset Service Warning Light (2014-2021)

Last Updated on October 4, 2021 by Christ

Hey Bimmers! How you doin’? Today I figured I would make content and show maybe a few more people how to reset this annoying service warning light that pops up every time you start your BMW i3.

So when we start the car, there is a reminder that goes red when it’s past the date. For some reason, you feel like you want to do the maintenance on your own or want not to be reminded every time you start the car. So let me show you how to reset that reminder.

BMW i3: How To Reset Service Warning Light (2014-2021)

BMW i3: How To Reset Service Warning Light (2014-2021)

Time needed: 3 minutes

Alright, I got a BMW i3 in its hybrid version. I think they all have to be perfect, so now I’m just going to show you how to reset the service light. It’s very similar to a lot of the other BMW cars. So let’s see how it’s done.

  1. Put on the ignition

    Without touching the brake, we’re going to press the START button once

  2. Press and hold the RESET button

    Then we are going to hold this button here on the side for about 10 seconds, and then it’ll say reset possible
    reset oil service light with dash button on bmw i3

  3. Find the service reminder

    Now we can toggle between these and find the reminder that you want to reset

  4. Hold down the Reset button

    Once it does, we’ll hold the Reset button again for about, I think it’s three seconds, and it will ask Perform Reset?

  5. Hold it down one more time

    To reset it, you need to hold the button one more time, and you’re done

For your info, This tutorial will hold true for the first generation of the BMW i3 (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 model years).

So that’s it for this one. You should always do your maintenance before do this. Let me know if you have a question, and then we’ll talk about what kinds of service may or may not be needed based on that indicator on your vehicle. Anyway, thanks for reading and good luck.

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